Open Studio: Co-Working for Makers & Creators

Whether you identify as an artist, writer, poet, hobbyist, entrepreneur or student, discover a supportive community and routine where you can practice and hone your craft.

Join Open Studio’s New Season, April 1 - May 29, 2025.

We meet Drop-In Style on Zoom, Tuesdays + Thursdays, 1-3pm ET

*Please note: there are no sessions April 22-24

Come to any or all sessions, come late, leave early!

Within the virtual walls of Open Studio, each 2-hour session is designed to inspire your unique creative expressions at your own pace, in your own way. Think of it as a co-working oasis for creativity, without pressure. You get to choose when you show up and what you’ll work on. (Sometimes, it’s for decluttering or napping!) We don’t judge!

Whenever you arrive, you’ll be greeted with kindness by a diverse community of Creatives of all stripes -professional and non-professional, trained and non-trained. All are welcome.

Membership Fee for all 16 Sessions: $60

*New to OS? Your 1st session is always on the house.

To become a member, or to try it out first, email me.

Join Our Open Studio Sessions!

What is Open Studio? Each 2-hour Open Studio session is a welcoming space designed to ignite your creative projects and processes. Whether you’re painting, knitting, journaling, collaging, cooking, planting, molding clay, or even tackling tasks like decluttering or tax preparation, Open Studio is for you. Every session is unique, reflecting our diverse creative rhythms and flows.

Why Join? Open Studio provides dedicated time and space to engage with your creative impulses, which is essential for well-being and self-care. It’s open to everyone—whether you’re an artist, an empty-nester rediscovering passions, or a student working on a dissertation. The collective energy and accountability of the group can be a transformative catalyst for your creativity.

Session structure:

  1. Intention Sharing: Briefly share your creative goals for the session.

  2. Dance Activation: Energize and inspire creativity with a short dance.

  3. Individual Creativity: Dive into your personal projects with optional camera use and chat for communication.

  4. Dance Break: Recharge with a mid-session dance.

  5. Closing Circle: Share your progress and receive supportive feedback.

Even on days when your purpose seems uncertain, simply showing up and being part of the group can work magic. And of course, dance tunes are there to set the rhythm!

Hope to see you there!

“In Open Studio Erica has created a warm and welcoming space in which it is easy to be creative in many ways. It has become a safe space in which the process and meaning of creating can be explored without judgement. Help is freely given when asked for and work isn’t harshly judged but rather constructively criticized when requested. This is a valuable thing in a world that at times seems overly full of criticism and negativity. I value the connections that I have formed in Open Studio, especially because doing so can be difficult in an online group. It’s become an important space for me, containing both friends and acceptance.

As a facilitator Erica is knowledgeable, kind, generous and gracious enough to share her wisdom with us. I appreciate how she can challenge ideas gently and encourage discussion rather than dictate how things should be done. This results in interesting discussions and often sparks ideas of different ways of doing things. Open Studio is a forum that encourages exploration and allows those in the group to enjoy each other’s successes and to commiserate over setbacks. Erica has created a balanced space in a fractured world, which is a valuable thing and I’m glad to part of it. I recommend Erica’s work, especially Open Studio.” — Lisa Kemp

I believe…

We are all creative.

  • We were all born to create.

  • Creativity is essential to our well-being.

  • Creativity is soul work.

  • Creative work is love made manifest.

  • The muse (our source of inspiration) is always with and around us.

  • We don’t need to be titled creatives, like “Artist,” “Author,” or “Composer,” to create.
    We all have the capacity to create great things, regardless of artistic experience or training.

Creativity is a practice.

  • Actualizing our creative work comes from the practice of following and trusting our own impulses, again and again.

  • Practicing creativity, along with curiosity, compassion and courage, are keys to a richer and deeper life.

  • Prioritizing and protecting our creative time is essential - write it in the calendar and stick to it.

  • If we don’t put our creative work near the top of our to-do list, it won’t get done. 

  • It’s not our fault if we haven’t prioritized our creative work; our culture has taught us otherwise. 

  • Having a regular creative practice invites a deeper understanding with ourselves and the world.

Creativity is a process.

  • Resistance is a natural part of the creative process. We all feel it.

  • There’s a natural ebb and flow to our creative energy.

  • There’s magic in the mess and chaos of our creative process.

  • Perfectionism and listening to the negative opinions are creativity killers.

  • Dancing before creating helps get us out of our heads and into our bodies and souls, calling in the muse.

The world needs our creations.

  • Our creativity and expressions are gifts of healing, beauty, inspiration, and love.

  • It doesn’t matter what or how you create; it’s the act of creation that matters.

  • After careers, raising a family, or transitioning between careers, is a potent time for creative work and sharing your creations with the world.

  • Your creative voice is needed as part of our collective healing and enrichment.

Creativity and Creatives thrive in community.

  • We don’t have to create alone.

  • It’s more fun, delightful, and inspiring when we create within a supportive community.

  • Collaboration and connection, rather than competition, add meaning and healing to our lives.

  • We all need cheerleaders to support us through our resistance and doubts and to celebrate with us in our triumphs and joy.  

  • Community helps us stay accountable and showing up for our creative work.

  • A loving community inspires new confidence and self-identity by showcasing our unique talents and artistic viewpoints.

  • Creating in community is a celebration of diversity.

I believe…

As a life-long creatrix, and private Creativity Doula, I’ve realized that even when we have a strong desire to create, many of us aren’t actualizing the creative work we've dreamt about, sometimes for years.

Why? There a many reasons.

On a broader scale, we live in a culture where creativity is segregated from our ‘normal’ daily lives; only designated ‘Artists,’ ‘Authors,’ ‘Dancers,’ etc., are given the status or permission to be creative and live in full creative flow. These cultural messages ripple down into personal and justifiable reasons why we ignore the call of the muse based on our beliefs that:

  • We aren’t talented enough.

  • We aren’t trained enough.

  • We don’t have enough time, space, or financial security.

  • We have responsibilities, obligations, a career, a set path.

  • We need to be perfect.

  • We need permission and support from family and friends.

In other words, we have great resistance to doing the creative work, from within and from the world around us. It makes total sense our creativity would be absent in our ‘to-do’ list, and if it was there at all, it would be buried at the bottom. Hard to find. Hard to do.

But really… Who are you not to create? We are all born creative. It’s our birthright. Full stop.

And the good news is… You CAN change the script, the to-do list, and write your creative dreams into it, and hopefully near or at the top!

Membership Fee for all 16 Sessions: $60



Andra Evans


Laurie Waller Benson


Meet Some of Our Present and Past Community Members:

To give you a taste of our community…

Check out our virtual Open Studio Exhibition, “Calling In the Muse”, held June/July 2022, featuring 20 of our Open Studio members (past and present). You’ll find a delightfully diverse array of creations: Poetry, Paintings, Collages, Music, Videos, Mixed-Media and Sculptures.

Read Evelyn Hopfner’s poem “The Muses”, in celebration of our show.

Watch our live Calling In the Muse Salon videos.

Calling in the Muse Collection:

More Praise

“Open Studio and Erica are such a blessing to my life. What began as an online place for creatives to gather during lockdowns has now become an evolving container that has given me a place to keep my creativity alive. Erica’s experience as a creative doula, dance and art muse has made Open Studio something to look forward as a place to connect with others to ease into creative play with dance and relaxing into whatever my focus will be for each session. The warmth of Erica and the members make Open Studio a welcomed priority to commit to every week. I’m looking forward to the fall session as I missed everyone during the summer break, and my creative juices are percolating some new projects to bring to the fall sessions. Thank you Erica and team Open Studio!” — Andra Evans

Open Studio has made me realize that while art is still personal, as is its process, it is also connecting and actively cocreating a community in a wonderful, surprising place called Zoom. Open Studio creates a venue where I feel connected to a beautiful, new community at a time in the world where there has been so much divisiveness. A community where I may create, be witnessed and be witness to other beautiful people in their own creative process. As it turns out, we have many similar feelings about this process and the concept of making art, the witness and the witnessed, a beautiful circle cocreated through honouring our own creative metamorphosis.” — Jeannie Eleni Vasilakos

“Open Studio provided the structure and support to keep me focused. It is so easy to find other things to do and not prioritize art-making. Knowing that other people would be showing up and creating encouraged and inspired me to show up as well. Also, it has been great to see what others are working on, hear about their process and also share and receive feedback on my own work. It is a very supportive group! Thank you Erica for creating and maintaining this wonderful space!” – Lisa Ross-Rizikov

“In my mind, all of us ‘Creatives’, accomplished artists as well as novices like myself, are truly welcomed, inspired and encouraged by Erica’s accepting and supporting ways. In fact, I think Erica really is The Muse that paved the way for my imaginary muse Mathilda to find me.” — Evelyn Hopfner

“Open Studio is run by the multi-creative, kind and fun Erica Ross. Attending the studio enabled me to create joy and space around an activity (work-related) that I didn’t feel was creative necessarily. I realized that I’ve been compartmentalizing my creativity. What Open Studio gave me was the realization that creative joy can spill into all areas of my life and that I need not put my daring, spirited and awake self in a box for those so-called “creative moments.” Erica is embodied and present with all those who enter the Open Studio. There’s a natural way about her as she gives people space and makes us all feel at ease and included. I’m looking forward to the next Open Studio, and the one after that!! Thank you, Erica for holding creative space for me to see myself and connect with others who also yearn for this.” — Lissa M. Cowan

This space has been a home for nourishing dreams and resetting my creative heart in postnatal wellness! Thank you Erica.” — Alexandra E. 

“I've really struggled in the past to make time for creative practice and to stay curious and patient with the process, despite feeling I had a lot to explore. Open Studio has been a really easy way to carve out time dedicated to creating and it's even spilling over into the rest of my week, as I'm finding myself wanting creative time each day. I'm really grateful for Erica's thoughtful, supportive and easy-going energy that has helped me get excited about flexing my creative muscles and being patient and trusting of my creative process. I'm excited to create again and that's such a priceless thing to feel again. Thank you Erica!” — A.M.

Open Studio with Erica has allowed me to keep my time for creativity as important as any other commitment I have in a week! I am always excited for what comes to the surface when you make space for it. Thank You!” — Erika Ruth

Open studio is the best invitation I received in 2021. It created a safe place for me to reconnect with my creativity again.  Eight months of feeling very stuck, turned into a permission slip to flow with my Divine muse again. Erica's invitations to dance, share and commune together allowed me to feel inspired to create again. The group support enriched my own process, and seeing other people's creations filled me with gratitude for the gifts we are all truly blessed with. Also hearing other's stories of self-doubt and battling the inner critic, helped me not feel so alone anymore. I got "unstuck" from my mind and plugged back into my heart centre. Erica is THE Creatrix that guided the creative way and allowed me to get out of my own way. I am learning I don't have to always make "art", I can play, explore and create meaningful expressions from my soul. Thank you Erica for the magical and empowering words of wisdom and compassion. This can help any Creative realign to their inner creative magic again and feel empowered to express their true self. It did for me and I will return to the studio again and again.” — Piera Marie

“Open Studio has given me a sense of community during the isolation of the pandemic. It’s a friendly, warm, supportive group, full of lively discussions on art and everyday life. It’s been a helpful place to get creative feedback and to find encouragement when struggling to find focus or finish a piece.” – Lisa Kemp

“Erica’s ‘Open Studio: Creativity in Community,’ a bi-weekly gathering of folks who draw, paint, collage, write, muse, sculpt, compose music are beautiful hours where we dance, focus on our projects, dance, work some more, and then, at the end, share if we are moved to. These sessions have me in my hitherto unused studio space drawing, and planning future art projects. Erica is a warm, smart, supportive, loving, compassionate guide, a teacher of many years who is open to vulnerability and to inspiration in all the ways it comes. When we dance, she says, “Invite your muse in.” And, wow, on-line across the continent our muses do appear and dance us through our arts.” — Brenda Clews

“Erica hosts a beautiful, encouraging, and invitational space for creativity in her Open Studio. Every hour that I have spent in Open Studio has been a huge gift to myself and helped me to generate new energy for my writing. I love Erica’s embodied approach to creativity; the music, dance, and other studio participants create a wave of energy that I can ride right into my own creative practice.” — Joanna W.  

"I love Open Studio. I'm getting projects done!" — JK

Erica's Open Studio allowed me to experiment without judgment, collaborate with other creators, and totally be my weird self.” – Laurie Waller Benson

“Through Open Studio, Erica Ross’ online community for makers and creators, my muse was continuously fed by the creative inspiration of the collective and I am excited to showcase my Submerged series in the Exhibition. Thank you, Erica.” – Jessica Tudos

“I am so excited that I joined Erica’s Open Studio: Creativity in Community. I always intend to get around to doing my creative endeavors, but never seem to set aside the time. Since signing up, I have attended nearly every session and have finally gotten around to my creative work. Erica has cultivated a lovely virtual space for creatives to gather and, well, CREATE! I wasn’t sure what I was going to work on when I attended the first session. I ended up starting to write that book I’ve been thinking about writing. That was completely unexpected. I look forward to the sessions every week, and make sure I set aside the time to attend. I highly recommend you gift yourself this special time to gather and create.” — Dale Ducillo 

“So far I have met the lovely Erica Ross only once in person. I was introduced to her at the Dovercourt House, where she was hosting an evening and an after-dance gathering for women who were working for Women's shelters in Korea. If I remember correctly they were mostly all directors of different Women's shelters and they also enjoyed Ecstatic Dance. Despite her busy evening she welcomed me with such graciousness and warm generosity that I can still remember it as a very special moment in my life. Erica's support of all of us who also get to enjoy her truly wonderful and personally DJ'd sets several times a week and so much more through our beloved 'Rise & Shine Shake’ daily dance events is truly outstanding and magical and I could go on for pages over how much loving kindness she pours over all of us.

Needless to say joining her “Open Studio: Creativity in Community” is one of the best ideas and invitations ever, especially during this time of physical distancing and many uncertainties. I am so happy to find myself in such a peaceful, accepting, fun, delightful and inspiring group and zoom room. As Erica is setting a very welcoming atmosphere with her open heart invitation and perhaps a theme for the day to keep in the back of your mind, she also provides us with great meaningful and uplifting music to dance to for a warm up and at the halfway pause. We can announce what we would like to work on during our 2 hours together and share at the end or 'just' listen and allow ourselves to be inspired by the other participants. These 2x two hours every week during May have become a much cherished time of togetherness, bathed in peaceful supportive energy, shared by all that are able to join while holding space to 'get things done'. Thank you so much for bringing such a beautiful offering to our community, Erica!! Looking forward to June.” — Sabine Theissen

“Thank you Erica for providing such a great virtual space to create in. For years I have been wanting to work on some creative ideas but I have not found or made the time ....until now!  Open Studio is now scheduled into my week, and each week I show up, sit (virtually) with others and create. What a great idea to start this!” — L.R.

When COVID lockdown started in Toronto March 2019 my Inner Artist was not only locked down but locked in and buried in an ever deeper clutter!  I said that I will go back to painting when I declutter, which never really happened. Then after I was about to look into an art class I received not 1 but 3 emails from Erica with the invitation to join her Creativity workshops. The Universe was sending me a message to sign up for this workshop. I persevered with learning how to do an etransfer and voila I was signed up. My Inner Artist is now very happy and my decluttering is going along slowly but smoothly. This is thanks to this wonderful creative workshop. Thanks Erica for a great workshop.” — MJ

Erica’s latest offering is creative fodder for the soul. She offers just the right balance of creative space holding for the participants to birth their various creative projects and endeavors and music to entice us into the zone. It’s just plain fun to have the companionship and the support while creating. Thank you Erica.” — VY

Erica has created a very welcoming and supportive space to gather and take the time to create and/or to just ‘Be’. It has been helpful to have a specific time to dedicate to whatever creative endeavour calls. Thanks Erica.” — C.D.